说明: 1.图像分割方法研究综述;2.基于边缘检测算子的双阈值二值化方法;3.结合形状统计信息的水平集图像分割 4.基于方向局部方差的快速主动纹理分割 5.基于目标轮廓的运动跟踪 6.左心室核磁共振图像的分割
(1. Methods of image segmentation 2. Based on Edge Detection Operator of dual-threshold binarization methods 3. Combined with the shape of the level of statistical information set image segmentation 4. Based on the direction of the rapid local variance texture segmentation initiatives 5 . Based on the objectives of the outline of the movement tracking 6. left ventricular magnetic resonance image segmentation)