开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-06-05 13:01:24
说明: 本书不能让你系统的学习嵌入式技术,但是你可以通过本书快速的了解嵌入式的一些概念,知晓过来人的一些建议,少走弯路多做实事;为了大家更好的系统学习嵌入式技术,在部分章节编者为大家规划了一些学习途径和方案,这些只是编者一些经验
(Can not let you book learning system embedded technology, but through this book you can quickly understand some of the concepts embedded aware of some of the suggestions from people and less to do more useful work detours everyone a better system for learning embedded technology in some sections of the editor for everyone planning a number of learning pathways and programs, these are just some of the experience of the editor)