开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2017-08-02 10:36:01
说明: 设计一个哈夫曼编码、译码系统。对一个ASCII编码的文本文件中的字符进行哈夫曼编码,生成编码文件;反过来,可将编码文件译码还原为一个文本文件。
(Design a Huffman coding and decoding system. Encoding the characters in an ascii - encoded text file, generating the encoding file; In turn, the encoded file decoding can be restored to a text file.
( 1 ) read any English short passage from the file ( the file is ascii and the extension is txt );
( 2 ) statistics and output the frequency of different characters in the article ( space, line breaks, punctuation, etc. also by character );
( 3 ) Huffman tree is constructed according to the character frequency, and Huffman coding of each character is given.
( 4 ) graphic output Huffman tree, Huffman coding;
( 5 ) the text file is encoded using Huffman tree and stored as compressed file ( encoded file suffix. huf )
( 6 ) the Huffman coding is used to store the file, and compared with the input text file size, the compression ratio of the file is calculated.
( 7 ) decode, decode the huf file into ascii - encoded txt file, and compare it with the original txt file.)