上传日期:2017-06-13 15:55:29
说明: allegro is a code for cadence and allegro to support
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Amplifier Power Amplifier.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Analog Timer Circuit.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Automotive Bus Line Driver Receiver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Automotive Ignition Circuit.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Footprints.PcbLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface Darlington Driver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface DC & Stepper Motor Controller.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface DC Motor Controller Driver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface LED Driver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface Peripheral Driver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface Printer Driver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface Servo Motor Controller Driver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface Stepper Motor Controller Driver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Interface Vacuum Fluorescent Display Driver.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Power Mgt Voltage Detector.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Power Mgt Voltage Regulator.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro RF and IF Noise Reduction Circuit.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro RF and IF Radio Receiver Circuit.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Sensor Fluid Detector.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Sensor Hall-Effect Sensor.IntLib
Allegro MicroSystems\Allegro Sensor Smoke Detector.IntLib