上传日期:2009-05-10 09:32:43
说明: 这是一部讲述青年书法奇才叶根友十年的奋斗历程,从搬运工开始到现在被誉为书法奇才的故事。他,由于家里贫寒,只读到初二不得不告别心爱的学校出去打工贴补家用。在温州期间,他睡过公园、拉过板车、洗碗工、做过服务员、修过自行车、拣过垃圾...这期间,他从事过31种不同的职业,一次又一次的失败与挫折成就了他坚强的意志!打工期间,他通过自己对书法的热爱,每天凌晨4:00起来练到7:00去上班,十年如一日,功夫不负有心人,凭着自己对书法的喜爱和顽强…
(This is about a young wizard leaves Genyou calligraphy decades of struggle, from the porters to the present story as the Wizards calligraphy. He, as a result of a poor family, read-only to have to bid farewell to loved the first two days out of school to supplement household workers. In Wenzhou, he slept in parks and lobbied dray, washing work done attendants have a bike repair, garbage pick-off ... this period, he engaged in 31 kinds of different jobs, and failed again and again frustration of his achievements strong will! Work, he passed his love of calligraphy, daily 4:00 am to 7:00 trained to work together, ten years, Hard work pays off, with their love of calligraphy and tenacity ...)