上传日期:2007-01-18 16:24:23
说明: 现在有更多的人想学习UML,但由于UML的复杂性,仅通过UML的标准文献和国内目前的关于UML的资料来掌握使用它不是一件轻松的事。对它的使用,关键是要用它简明准确地建立模型。这样,人们就可以从全局把握复杂系统的全貌及其组成间的联系。为了达到这样的目的,本文要阐明UML的要点,并对UML所推荐的软件建模过程RUP(Rational Unified Process)做一简介,以作为一种应用UML的过程指导。
(now, more and more people want to learn UML, but because of the complexity of UML, UML only by the standards of domestic and the current literature on the UML to use the information it is not an easy thing. Its use, the key is to use it concise and accurate model building. In this way, people can grasp the complexity of the overall system and the full picture of the links between the components. To achieve this purpose, the UML is to clarify the main points UML also recommended by the software modeling process RUP (Rational Unified Proces s) do a brief application as a UML process guidance.)