上传日期:2007-04-29 13:58:05
说明: 有需求才有创造,有了问题才会想着去解决,那么我这里的获取MAC地址的第4种方法也是在这种情况下产生的。因为公司有一个服务器产品,要写一个注册模块,而注册模块需要获取硬件信息,而硬件信息有很多,可以是硬盘序列号,CPU序列号,和网卡MAC,我首先使用的是硬盘序列号,因为GOOGLE一下一大堆,我要感谢所有这些无私奉献自己智慧结晶的可爱的人。
(can create demand, there will be problems to solve in mind, So here I am MAC address access to the four methods is also in this case produced. Because companies have a server product, write a registered module and the modules required to obtain registration information hardware, Information and hardware are also many sequences can be hard disks, CPU serial number, and MAC. I was the first to use the hard disk's serial number, because a lot about GOOGLE, I would like to thank all those selfless contribution to the wisdom of the lovely people.)