上传日期:2005-04-04 21:03:29
说明: 自动进行JAVA单元测试和代码标准检查来帮助开发人员编写克号的代码的工具。可分析类,然后生成单元测试案例来包括最大的覆盖测试,发现未处理的异常并校验需求。-自动的基本错误预防,包括单元测试和自动代码标准检查-生成并执行单元测试案例-提供了进行黑盒测试、模型测试和系统测试的快速简单的途径-识别并预防未处理的运行时异常,函数错误,内存泄露,性能问题和安全弱点-监控测试的覆盖范围-自动回归测试-检查超过380个来自JAVA专家的编码规范-改正违反超过160个编码规范的错误-允许用户创建自己的编码规范-和IBMWebSphere和Eclipse集成
(automatically Java unit testing and code inspection standards to help developers to write code grams of tools. Such analysis could be made, and then generating unit test cases to include the largest coverage testing revealed abnormal untreated check and demand.- Automatic fundamental error prevention, including unit testing and automatic code inspection standards-generating unit testing and implementation of case-TESTING provided for model testing and system testing fast and simple way- identification and prevention of untreated running abnormal function error, memory leak, Performance and security weaknesses-monitoring test coverage-automatic regression test-screening more than 380 experts from Java coding standard-correct violations of over 160 coding standard error-allows users to cre)