SQL Server
上传日期:2011-11-09 15:52:58
说明: Transact-SQL
T-SQL是Microsoft公司在关系型数据库管理系统SQL Server中的SQL-3标准的实现,是微软对SQL的扩展,具有SQL的主要特点,同时增加了变量,运算符,函数,流程控制和注释等语言元素,使得其功能更加强大.T-SQL对SQL Server 十分重要,SQL Server中使用图形界面能够完成的所有功能,都可以利用T-SQL来实现.使用T-SQL操作时,与SQL Server通信的所有应用程序都通过向服务器发送T-SQL语句来进行,而与应用程序的界面无关.
(Transact-SQL T-SQL is Microsoft' s relational database management system SQL Server in SQL-3 standard to achieve, is Microsoft' s extensions to SQL, with the main features of SQL, while increasing the variables, operators, functions, processes control elements and notes and other languages, making it more powerful. T-SQL for SQL Server is very important, SQL Server to use graphical interface to complete all the features can be achieved using T-SQL using T-SQL operation, All communication with the SQL Server application sends to the server through T-SQL statement to be, and has nothing to do with the application' s interface.)