开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-02-15 10:35:14
说明: 我们在编写程序,开发软件的过程中如果能利用已有的程序的功能,那么可以大大减轻开发过程中程序员的工作量,同时达到事半功倍的效果。例如在工程中,许多软件需要文字处理功能,虽然MFC提供了一些方法,但是具体实现起来既费事,又有一定的困难,如果我们可以直接使用OFFICE提供的功能,岂不美哉!要实现这一目的,只需要利用微软的ActiveX Automation技术就可以轻松实现。本例主要讲述了自动化的概念,并通过一个操作Word文档的程序来帮助读者朋友理解Visual C++编程中如何实现自动化。
(in programming, software development process if we can make use of existing procedures for the function, Well, we can greatly reduce the process of developing the work of the programmer, to be effective and efficient. For example, in engineering, and many need word processing software function, although with some MFC, But both together to realize the demanding, but also the difficulties, If we can provide direct access OFFICE functions, but it is really true! To achieve this purpose, only need to use Microsoft's ActiveX Automation technology can be easily achieved. The cases mainly on the concept of automation, operating through a Word document procedures to help readers understand Visual C Programming realize how verbization.)