开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2004-12-15 09:27:47
说明: 在程序启动时,用默认值生成塔类和碟子类的实例,并调用GDI对象绘图。当选择自动方式后,派生一个新线程递归挪动碟子并在每次挪动碟子后刷新图形。在挪动线程中,监测临界区对象作为暂停或继续的判别标志;当选择手动方式时,在碟子的移动过程中进行大碟子和小碟子的判断,如果合乎要求,允许移动,如果不合乎要求,跳出提示对话框。
(commencement of the proceedings, with the default value generated tower and plate type examples and called GDI Object Mapping. When choosing the automatic mode, a new thread derived recursive moving plate and the plate after each shift updated graphics. In moving threads, monitoring critical targets as the continuation of the suspension or discriminant signs; When choosing a manual method, the plate in the process of moving large plate and saucer judgment, if meet the requirements and allow mobile, if we do not meet the requirements and suggest dialog out.)