开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2005-05-12 09:59:35
说明: HEX-VIEW是一个十六进制察看/编辑程序,虽然还不完善,但毕竟是一个可以运行的版本了,编写这个程序的目的是想深度探索处理过程。程序界面显示文件的每一个十六进制,ascii码,二进制和十进制字节。十六进制地显示在左侧,分十八列,对应的ascii码值显示在右侧。二进制和十进制值地显示可选。本程序用turbo c++3.1开发。用其它与dos兼容的编译器应该可以编译,但没有测试过。
(HEX-VIEW is a hexadecimal probation/editor, while not perfect, but that is a running version, the preparation of this procedure is designed to explore the depth process. Program Interface documents show a 16 per band, ascii code, binary and decimal bytes. Hexadecimal displayed on the left side, 18 minutes, the corresponding code ascii value shown on the right. The binary and decimal value shows optional. The procedures used turbo c 3.1 development. In other dos compatible with the compiler can be compiled, but not tested.)