上传日期:2004-06-08 19:11:22
说明: 本程序旨在讲解如何用Delphi创建一个可以在易语言中执行的支持库,并给出了一个实用的汉字取模的易程序, 1.支持库为标准DLL格式,扩展名为fne. 在其中实现了移位操作(Delphi7+WinXp通过) 2.在易语言中导入此支持库(复制TaoLibShift.fne)到易语言的LIB目录下,然后才可以执行 [诺亚点阵汉字提取器.e] 3.输出的格式有 ASM和C两种格式,可以直接应用于8x8点阵LED,
(This procedure aims to explain how to use Delphi to create a language can be easily implemented to support the library, and gives a practical Chinese modulus of conveyancing, 1. Support library DLL as a standard format, called the expansion of fne. In which the achieved a shift operation (Delphi7+ WinXp through) 2. in language easy to import this support library (copy TaoLibShift.fne) to the easy language LIB directory, and then we can implement [dot characters Noah extractors. e ] 3. Output formats are ASM and C in two formats, can be directly applied to 8x8 dot matrix LED,)