开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-04-20 11:38:23
说明: This an attempt to create an application which captures Live video from a Video capture device and USB attached WebCam all together in the same application. While developing my project, I needed to capture the video from various video devices including TV. Though, I found some source for capturing Video, it was not so efficient. So, that prompted me to develop my own independent application. Initially, “LiveVideo” detects the availability of the Video Capture card and whether WebCam is attached or not. Otherwise, it shows the message. Most of the API functions are used from DirectX SDK.
(This an attempt to create an application Live which captures video from a Video capture d evice and USB WebCam all attached together in th e same application. While developing my projec t, I needed to capture the video from various video devices including TV. Though, I found some source for capturing video, it was not so efficient. So, that prompted me to develop my own independent a emissions. Initially, "LiveVideo" detects the availability of the Vi deo Capture card and whether WebCam is attached or not. Otherwise, it shows the message. Most of the API functions a re used from DirectX SDK.)