开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-01-11 10:58:07
说明: 大学毕业前的最后一学期,在一家公司实习,当时的工作需要用到一些操作系统提供的组件。那时候只知道COM这个名词,并不知道到底是怎么回事,只知道上网到处找别人的源码解决自己的问题;那段日子到现在回忆起来都是灰色的,每天呆坐在电脑前,一个网站一个网站的查找自己需要的源码。但并不清楚自己到底在做什么;那时候对自己能不能成为一个程序员充满了怀疑。在实习结束返校的火车上,一夜间,我把一本《COM本质论》翻看了120多页。当我和当时的女友吹嘘自己一夜可以看100多页书的时候,她马上问我:看懂多少?当时我哑口无言。她忍受不了我那段日子的失落和抱怨,从那时候起,我们结束了那段简短的感情。到如今我还在一个人漂泊着,而上周她成为了别人的妻子。想不到用什么方式去纪念我迄今为止经历过的唯一一段感情,我和她的感情并不完全是因为COM结束的,但由于对COM的迷惑,使我走向了迷茫,失落;对自己失去了信心,在她面前变成了一个悲观失望的人。写这篇文章权当对这份感情的一份纪念吧。
(University graduate, the last one semester, in a corporate internships, then the need to resort to some of the operating system components. COM then only know the term, we do not know is how matter in the end, only know that the Internet only to find that other people's source code to solve their own problems; now those days are remembers Gray, daily sitting on the front of a computer, a web site a site search for the source of their needs. But it is not clear in what to do in the end; Then he can not become a programmer is full of doubts. Back-to-school internship at the end of the train, one night, I put a "COM Essence" going through the more than 120 pages. When my girlfriend and then brag about the night can watch more than 100 pages of the book, she immediately asked me )