说明: 本书第一篇(第一章和第二章)适度地介绍XML 的相关知识,并且简介接下来的章节所需要的相关知识。第一章答复了先前提过的基本问题-XML 是什么?为什么需要XML?以及XML 是如何被用来解决实际情况中的问题?第二章提供一个实作练习,使得你可以快速了解如何建立XML 文件并将其在浏览器上显示的整个过程。第二篇(第三章到第六章)的重点是解说建立XML文件的规则和技术。第三章和第四章教导你如何建立格式正确的XML 文件-即文件符合XML 最基本的要求。第五章和第六章则教导你如何建立有效的XML 文件-即文件符合XML 中更精确的规则集合。
(the first chapter of the book (the first chapters I and II) appropriate to introduce XML-related knowledge and briefing the next chapters of the relevant knowledge. The first chapter of the reply due to the fact the basic issue-what is XML? Why do we need XML? And XML is being used to solve practical problems of the situation? The second chapter provides for a real practice, so you can quickly see how to establish its XML document in the browser displayed on the whole process. The second part (Chapter III of Chapter VI) is focused on the establishment of XML documents explaining the rules and technology. Chapter III and IV teach you how to establish the correct format XML document-XML document with the most basic requirements. Chapter V and VI will teach you how to build an effective XML d)