上传日期:2018-06-25 22:13:39
说明: 此电路有一个升压电路,一个充电管理电路,一个电芯保护电路,一个MCU用来显示电量和控制输出,一个按键控制LED灯显示和控制输出,四个LED灯(LED1-LED4)来显示电量,一个LED灯(LED5)用来照明
(circuitry; circuit (CKT); electric circuit; electrocircuit
step up circuit
charging; charge (a battery); battery charging; charge up; electricize
guard circuit; protection circuit
quantity of electricity; quantity of electric charge
control; dominate; regulate; govern; apron string
export; output; outcome; outlet
key; push-button; keying; press key; key-press
lighting; illumination; clearing luminary; enlighten; illume)
FW\Protel Schematic.pdf, 43750 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\H061V1_MCUFW_X01_8596.OTP, 2187 , 2011-09-27
FW\X01\PowerU.ASM, 56863 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.bin, 2048 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.c, 12442 , 2013-07-03
FW\X01\PowerU.CV, 2663 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.DBG, 5997 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.LST, 9117 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.LST.1, 91757 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.MAP, 11546 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.OBJ, 11576 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.OPT, 480 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.OTP, 2187 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.pjt, 544 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.pjtx, 2214 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.pjw, 765 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\PowerU.TSK, 2096 , 2012-07-13
FW\X01\___PowerU.c, 12607 , 2011-09-21
FW\X01\BACKUP, 0 , 2018-06-25
FW\X01, 0 , 2018-06-25
FW, 0 , 2018-06-25