上传日期:2017-09-29 19:52:19
说明: 命名空间:System 程序集:mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中) 说明: DateTime值类型代表了一个从公元0001年1月1日0点0分0秒到公元9999年12月31日23点59分59秒之间的具体日期时刻。因此,你可以用DateTime值类型来描述任何在想象范围之内的时间。TimeSpan值包含了许多属性与方法,用于访问或处理一个TimeSpan值, 其中的五个重载方法之一的结构 TimeSpan( int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds ) 下面的列表涵盖了其中的一部分方法及属性解释
(Namespace: System assembly: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll): DateTime value type represents a January 1st from 0001 A.D. 0 at 0 minutes and 0 seconds to 59 seconds between 23:59 in December 31, 9999 the date time. Therefore, you can use the DateTime value type to describe any time within the imagination. TimeSpan contains a number of properties and methods for accessing or processing a TimeSpan value, the structure of TimeSpan is one of the five overloaded methods in which the (int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds) the following list covers some of the methods and attributes of interpretation)